Dimensions of Citizenship, the theme of the US Pavilion at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale, co-commissioned by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) and the University of Chicago, challenges architects and designers to envision what it means to be a citizen today. As transnational flows of capital, digital technologies, and geopolitical transformations expand, conventional notions of citizenship are undermined. How might architecture, then, express, and engage with today’s rhizomatic and paradoxical conditions of citizenship?
US Pavilion curators Niall Atkinson, Ann Lui, and Mimi Zeiger, and associate curator Iker GIl, are collaborating with e-flux Architecture editors Nick Axel and Nikolaus Hirsch on an online publication that will respond to contemporary and historical understandings of the concept of citizenship and how questions of inclusions and exclusion (and points in between) are spatially constructed. These texts use history, theory, and criticism to expand upon the commissioned architectural works on view. Authors include architects, designers, historians, critics, and theorists. Starting in early May and continuing throughout the duration of the Biennale, contributions will be circulated by e-flux Architecture and appear online on the e-flux Architecture website. The essays will also appear in the Dimensions of Citizenship print catalog and the official exhibition website.
The Dimensions of Citizenship roundtable discussion brings together US Pavilion curators and e-flux Architecture editors with New York-based contributors to the pavilion and publication series for the first time.
Monday, March 12, 7pm
311 E Broadway
New York, NY 10002
Ann Lui and Mimi Zeiger, US Pavilion curators
Nick Axel and Nikolaus Hirsch, e-flux Architecture editors
Ingrid Burrington, author of Networks of New York: An Illustrated Field Guide to Urban Internet Infrastructure
Elizabeth Diller, Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Keller Easterling, Yale University, author Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space and Medium Design
Shannon Harvey, designer and founder of IN-FO.CO
Sukjong Hong, journalist and web editor Architect’s Newspaper
Laura Kurgan, Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation at Columbia University, and director of the Center for Spatial Research
Enrique Ramirez, architectural educator, writer, editor, and curator